Fed Up: Frustrating!

I couldn’t wait to watch this movie. The trailer made it sound very interesting. It promised to educate me.  I was more than a little irritated that my husband had me wait about three days for him to order it from our DVD subscription service.

Well, I just finished watching the new movie, “Fed Up”, and I have to tell you, I’m fed up. The movie was basically a tirade against all sugar. I already knew that we eat too much sugar. But I also know that not all calories are created equal. I am just thankful I waited until it came, instead of paying for what amounts to little more than a misplaced and politically expedient tirade. I wouldn’t want my money to go to support people who pretend to tell the truth, but don’t.

Watch the Trailer

Producer Laurie David showed clips of Bill Clinton, Michelle Obama and demonized the capitalistic Republicans.  Why would they split an issue like this along political lines? Why would she only tell half the story? They tell you how bad sugar is and just how much of it we are eating but the closest they get to anything else is to cook and to eat real food. Not a word about the significant difference between HFCS and sugar, or what GMO’s are and how they are killing us.

Save your money.  Watch the video below instead, it’s free and it will educate you about the food you eat.

This is Fed Up! Genetic Engineering, Industrial Agriculture and Sustainable Alternatives. Fed Up was released in 2002 by Wholesome Goodness Productions. More than a decade later, it still remains relevant. Most of the statistics are worse now and we are starting to see the rise of insect-resistance to plants engineered to produce their own pesticides. There is still woefully little research available on long term ingestion of GMO foods — and how most foods in the US are still not labeled.

FED UP! answers many questions regarding genetic engineering, the Green Revolution, genetic pollution and modern pesticides through interviews with Marc Lappé and Britt Bailey from the Center for Ethics and Toxics, Peter Rosset and Anuradha Mittal from Food First, Vandana Shiva from the Research Center for Science, Technology and Ecology, Ignacio Chapela from UC Berkeley’s Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, Martina McGloughlin, Director of UC Davis’ Biotechnology Program and many others.

Tell the truth about our food. What most of eat isn’t really food.

Movie’s to Watch!


Unacceptable Levels

American Meat

Death By China!

Death By China

Where have all our jobs gone? That’s right: 25 million Americans can’t find jobs because we’ve shipped them all to China. Along with those jobs went the intellectual technology that created — and lost — them.  How do they sell stuff so cheaply?

Watch Death By China Now.

From best-selling author and filmmaker, Peter Navarro, comes DEATH BY CHINA, a documentary feature that pointedly confronts the most urgent problem facing America today – its increasingly destructive economic trade relationship with a rapidly rising China.

Since China began flooding U.S. markets with illegally subsidized products in 2001, over 50,000 American factories have disappeared, more than 25 million Americans can’t find a decent job, and America now owes more than 3 trillion dollars to the world’s largest totalitarian nation.

Through compelling interviews with voices across the political spectrum, DEATH BY CHINA exposes that the U.S.-China relationship is broken and must be fixed if the world is going to be a place of peace and prosperity.

This is a real eye opener.  A must see!

China doesn’t play fair.  We just didn’t know how it works.  If you buy “Made in China” you need to see this.

The Marketing of Madness

The Marketing of Madness: Are We All Insane?

Many years ago my doctor sent me to a rheumatologist. During the interview the rheumatologist recommended I start taking Zoloft to help with my depression. At the time I thought why on earth would a take an anti-depressant? I went to visit the doctor because of back pain, sciatica, degenerative disc disease.

Marketing of MadnessI tried explaining to the doctor that if I was depressed it was due to the constant pain I was enduring. Fix the pain, the depression goes, too.

In the end, she prescribed Zoloft for me. I took the drug a total of one time. It left me so wrung out, I slept for 18-hours straight and then had a rough time getting up out of bed. Thanks, but, No, Thanks. I don’t care that it might have been only temporary.

After watching The Marketing of Madness, I thank God that I had the sense I was born with to turn down this doctors treatment. I have family members on psychiatric drugs and now I’m terrified for them. These drugs are dangerous and nothing is being done to protect us. Everyone has a piece of the pie, the doctors, the pharmaceutical companies, even our legislators turn a blind eye. No one is looking out for us, not the FDA, not our doctors, no one. Blind eye is probably the wrong term. These government exployees tasked with our safety are actually being paid by the companies they’re reviewing. This is crony capitalism.

I’ll never forget the day I learned my daughters doctor had prescribed a powerful psychiatric drug for her to treat her diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder — while she was pregnant. Her doctor claimed it was perfectly safe for the baby — yet no studies have been done to back up this claim.  In fact, many children have been born with missing appendages and other serious birth defects. We can’t prove it, but it’s entirely possible this drug actually caused my granddaughter’s birth-defect.

The Marketing of Madness: Are We All Insane?

The definitive documentary on psychotropic drugging—this is the story of the high-income partnership between drug companies and psychiatry which has created an $80 billion profit from the peddling of psychotropic drugs to an unsuspecting public.

But appearances are deceiving.

How valid are psychiatrist’s diagnoses—and how safe are their drugs?

Digging deep beneath the corporate veneer, this three-part documentary exposes the truth behind the slick marketing schemes and scientific deceit that conceal a dangerous and often deadly sales campaign.

If you, or someone you love is taking psychotropic drugs, if you are considering stopping taking psychotropic drugs or you are considering starting treatment with psychotropic drugs, you owe it to yourself to be fully informed. Please take the time to watch this video series. It could save your life or the life of someone you love.

“If you, a loved one, or anyone you know is taking drugs recommended by an MD or Psychiatrist for Anxiety, Depression, Bi-Polar, ADHD, Obsessive Compulsive, Schizophrenia etc… then this film is an absolute must watch.”
– James Colquhoun – Producer Director, ‘Food Matters’

You can order a copy of The Marketing of Madness from Amazon, watch the complete series online for free. You may even find a copy at your public library. The Marketing of Madness is unavailable at this time from Netflix. It doesn’t matter how you get it, but you need to watch this powerful presentation.

In this film you’ll discover that…

  • Many of the drugs side effects may actually make your ‘mental illness’ worse.
  • Psychiatric drugs can induce aggression or depression.
  • Some psychotropic drugs prescribed to children are more addictive than cocaine.
  • Psychiatric diagnoses appears to be based on dubious science. Of the 297 mental disorders contained within the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, none can be objectively measured by pathological tests. Mental illness symptoms within this manual are arbitrarily assigned by a subjective voting system by a psychiatric panel.
  • It is estimated that 100 million people globally use psychotropic drugs.