Fireproof Review

FireproofFireproof is a film for today’s struggling husbands and wives. With the fall of the housing market, the rising unemployment rate and inflation, let’s face it, men and women have a great deal on their plates. Add in a couple of kids to support, the family dog, running a household and all that entails and you have a recipe for disaster.

Fireproof is about a couple on the precipice of divorce not because they’ve “grown apart” as so many couples claim when the going gets a little rough but because they both lost focus. They lost their connection to each other; their support system.

In Fireproof you will finally seek Kirk Cameron skillfully play the part of a full-fledged, inconsiderate, tightwad jerk, whose obsession with pornography and purchasing his dreamboat — literally — that he treats his wife with little regard.

In a clingy co-dependent way his wife reaches out to a colleague for companionship and the attention she craves after losing her husband’s affections.

But there is more going on under the surface than meets the eye.

I truly enjoyed Fireproof because it shares their all too-typical family problems with you, and enables you to watch as they work through them.

The movie has been criticized as being more than a little one-sided, and I tend to agree, but the message comes through loud and clear. It’s a message we could all heed as we struggle to work through the relationships in our lives. I watched the movie twice, and then ordered the book from the movie [The Love Dare]. I’m looking forward to reading and working through it. Who knows — maybe something will stick.

For additional information visit: Fire Proof My Marriage

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